When you click an icon of an application that opened in another virtual desktop, it switches to the virtual desktop.
I want it to open in current virtual desktop. So I have to use middle mouse button.
The virtual desktop does not show much separation.
I can’t really change much.
It keeps taking something from Gnome, which in the end, prevent me from installing full gnome environment.
It just feels unpolished.
For some reason it starts slowly compared to other DE.
I’m not sure if it is really bloated or just feels bloated.
Gradients and transparency everywhere.
Excellent add-on downloader, but no decent opaque theme.
When you click to open something, you just feel than annoying 300ms delay.
Feels advanced, but unpolished. The margin and padding is weird. Its like a prototype. You think that I’ll be awesome, but it keep staying as a prototype.
Gtk applications sometime does not work very well.
Lack of taskbar and ability to minimize.
Sure, it have some nifty drag and drop trick, but sometime we just want an application to hide from every virtual desktop.
I’m using two monitor. To switch application I have to drag my mouse to the top left of a screen. So if I’m on my right monitor, its a long way there.
For some reason it does not save the monitor offset vertical offset correctly.