
We are moving

Assalamualaikum everyone. How are you? Anyway, I have a relatively important announcement to make.

Today at, 24 January 2014, Automatic IIUM Schedule Formatter is officially moved from to .

Or in another word, I changed the domain. The reason why I change the domain is because I changed the server. Why I changed the server? Because of various technical limitation with Google App Engine. So I recently bought a hosting, (not just for iiumschedule), and recently had fully(I think) converted the automatic iiumschedule formatter for it. Most of you will not feel a thing because the old bookmark will automatically redirect to the new domain. If it does not, try to clear your browser cache. However, if you go to , you will see a notice of the domain change.

Aside from that, now the resulting timetable will also show your lecturer’s name. So you will never forget your lecturer’s name again. This feature is made feasible with the use of the new hosting.


Unfortunately, this only work for main campus student. CFS student will see a blank column. You can hide the column in the ‘settings’ tab. Also, this feature require me to manually upload the section data which is scraped from IIUM’s own website. Sometimes, new section data is not available in time, and sometime the lecturer’s name is ‘to be determined’. You get the point, so if you have some section with incorrect lecturer’s name, try IIUM portal first to see if the name is correct, if it is correct in IIUM portal, then you may email me at for inquiry, chat, request and such. Talk about inquiry, I have not test the error reporting tool fully, and currently I have no way of getting the error report other then directly from the database through SQL. So for now, the error reporting may not work properly yet. 

The change of domain also means that all your previous facebook likes are irrelevant and it now calls for a new like. So please go to the page, and like it. I guess this is the end of this announcement. Thank you for all your support. Assalamualaikum and bye.

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