
Fedora 21

Problems with it:

  • I don’t understand a thing about its manual partitioning.
  • This is the main thing why I did not install fedora in the first place. I don’t know how. 
  • It does not have a decent GUI package manager. No, the gnome software one will not do. I’m talking about synaptic or aptitude or at least like yast. I want to be able to easily see which package is available, not just software.
  • Tips: ‘yum search’ do what you expect it to do.
  • The gnome software hangs. If it hang but give progress, I’ll be a little bit less bored.
  • Slow mirror. Whats the use of having hundreds of server if most of them are really slow? User will most likely connect to the slow servers and will get 15kB/s download speed.
  • Tips: The fastmirror plugin don’t do much. This one does
  • You can also blacklist a mirror using the blacklist option of yum.conf
Programming Projects Uncategorized

Introducing, String2Regex

Assalamualaikum everyone. In this post, I’ll show you a (relatively) new project which I’ve created in about a week or two. It seems to be useful for greater good and so I’ve released the code under the MIT license. The code is available here

String2regex is basically a clone of but run entirely on client side and not as full featured. The concept is, given a sample string, generate a regular expression to match that string based on user’s selection of string groups. If you don’t know what is regular expression, you are probably not a programmer and this is effectively useless for you. If you are a programmer but you do not know what is regular expression, then you are missing out. If you know what is a regular expression, check it our here and you’ll understand what does it do. Screnshot

One significance of this application for me is that it is the first (I think) client side application I made that have some kind of automated testing. It is also the my first client side application that is made ground up with some nifty javascript tools such as bower and grunt. Styler and IIUMSchedule both uses grunt for concatenation purpose but not originally. In another word, String2Re is currently the most… what is the word?… decent? proper? … yes, proper web application I’ve ever made right now. 

This is largely due to some automated testing build with it. The testing is not perfect, as it does not test it entirely and it does not test the view, just the controller logic. However the controller logic is quite complicated (not really) so having some test for that reassure me that it will not crash easily. 


Student Admin Dialogue

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Programming Interest Group Talk

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AGM ICTSS: A blogmytweet failure.

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By the way, sorry for the misaligned tweet. I is due to the fact that at the time, my mobile broadband does not work and I have to resort to using IIUM Wifi. It turns out, the WIFI is not working at all and it all goes to draft. Then just when I was about to go back home, my mobile broadband is working again. And by that time, I click ‘send all’ and it send it all not in the correct order. This is an important event that can show the potential of blogmytweet and internet had failed me. Also the ‘tudung merah’ is the head financial controller. The other one, the guy is the vice head. 


Talk on how to become a world class student.

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Stabaz 2013

Assalamualaikum semua, petang tadi saya singgah sebentar di Stabaz 2013. Stabaz, bermaksud stall and bazarr. Ini adalah antara event tahunan IIUM. So di kesempatan ini saya menggunakan untuk merecord gambar-gambar yang saya tweet kepada blog post. Secara teknikalnya, blogmytweet berfungsi dengan sangat bagus hari ini. Autopost berfungsi tanpa masalah dan post baru muncul di blog lama saya. Berikut merupakan antara content yang dihasilkan oleh blogmytweet. Format ujian kali ini adalah saya akan tangkap gambar dan tweet tanpa menulis apa-apa comment. So, check it out. 

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GDG Kuala Lumpur Track 2

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GDG Kuala Lumpur

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Practical test 2

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