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Source code untuk project EOP

Assalamualaikum semua, di sini saya ada letakkan source code untuk project EOP saya. Ada beberapa file, tapi hanya main.cpp yang akan compile dengan betul. Kalau tak silap saya, ia perlukan Dev C++ yang baru, tapi tak pasti sebab ada banyak perubahan jadi mungkin ia boleh compile dengan baik.
Post PRU 13
Assalamualaikum semua, apa khabar?
So, yeah PRU13 just happen several days ago and PR lose. At first, I though that I would be surprise if PR lose this time, but then I got home. When I got home, I watch the television. The news was full of pro-BN stuff as always. But then after that, there is “Mandat PRU13”. A program that talk about PRU13 in a pro-BN way. When I ask my family when do this program aired, they said, every day on every channel starting after the naming date. Which for me is simply too ridiculous. Even before in 2008, we could see PR’s advertisement once in a while. But this? This is just too much. Among other things that I see when I travel from IIUM to my home in Meru is that, the flags. There are much more BN flag. And you can see that the banner were actually just the same from Gombak to Meru. I do however meet some PR campaign team. They are quite harsh in my opinion. On my way to Klang using the komuter train, I could see another campaign team, this one from DAP. They are shouting and blowing horn, etc-etc.
Okay, the election date. Right before election date, mandat PRU13 aired, showing the SPR’s commision and chief of police briefing. They say, do not do demonstration on the election day, etc-etc. Which for me is quite useless. People will still do demonstration regardless win or lose. He should emphasize on demonstrating peacefully. Another thing that spread among the social network is the the incident of bloody flashmob. That really snap my mind. Some group of PAS member (around 50) were having flashmob somewhere in Ipoh. Then a group of 300 BN bikers who are marching meet them. Basically the PAS’s flashmob is in an intersection of some road. So coincidentally BN bikers went through that route. 3 PAS member were badly wounded and was sent to the hospital. A video quickly spread through Facebook showing some BN member hitting PAS member with helmet and stick. Later on, another video aired, showing that initially PAS member were the one who provoke them. Even so, I do not think that they should exceed the limit until PAS member were injured that bad. I though the impolite one where BN and the extreme one is PAS. But it seems the reality is the other way around. Another thing that can be said is the media coverage on that activity. This one was spread through facebook. Utusan Malaysia, a very pro-BN newspaper said that a BN convoy of 300 rider where attacked by PAS member. They did not even talk about the 3 people who was badly injured. Sinar Harian, a relatively neutral newspaper said the other way around. Here is among the image that was spreaded through facebook.
In my opinion, both are to be blamed. PAS should be more polite. Their leader should told their member to back of. Thing like this are bound to happen. BN member on the other hand, should not exceed on their action. What’s with the stick and helmet? Not to mention that you already over number them. No need for such drastic measure.
Anyway, I am not old enough to vote. But there are many things that can still be said. Among those are the indelible ink issue. Which sadly is not indelible. This has already been reported before the election, on early vote. And yet no action was taken? Even more sad, everyone who vote knows this. I ask my mother if the ink is indelible. He show me her finger (the one with the ink) and the ink was almost completely gone. This is at afternoon. She may have washed his finger when she eat or something. The indelible issue matter because there has been proven that some individual actually have several identification card. Several week before the election, some picture has been spread showing the voting registration of some individual with the same name, same address, same date of birth, same parent name that has different IC and vote in different areas. At first, I did not buy it just like that. But for confirmation, my friend check the IC at SPR’s own website and confirm that there are such registration. So some people can vote several time if the ink can be wash away just like that. This is a proven act of inconsistency and potential fraud. It is a nationwide lie when the PM say that they already implement the ink based on what PR/Bersih suggested.
Another major fraud that allegedly happened is the foreign worker issue. I frankly did not see this. But there has been a report of many Bangladeshi were given an IC so that they could vote. Now you may say that they might even vote for PR, but some of them were given another paper showing the number for the person to vote for. I have seen a video of a bus carrying foreign worker. Ironically, when one of them saw the angry people, he show them the paper and IC. Unfortunately I cannot find the video in youtube. The video was widespread in facebook. The place seems to be a Chinese majority place. They were quite violent. Which I guess is among the reason why Chinese win so much this time, they do not tolerate suspicious character.
By the way, the result of PRU13 this time bring a whole new issue in Malaysia political stability. Racial issue. Basically PR won extra 7 parliament seat this time, but DAP gain 10 seat. This means that PAS and PKR drop 3 seat. This also means that almost no Chinese vote for BN. Another interesting statistic is that PR won popular vote. I’m not sure exactly what that means, but that means more people vote for PR than BN. But BN won more seat, 133 to be exact, vs PR’s 88 seat. This also means that the reason PR lose is because they are losing support from Malay. Or because of the mainstream media monopoly. And frankly PR does a lot of stupid stuff recently. Their manifesto is quite stupid in my opinion. Anwar Ibrahim is among characters who say without much thinking. On the election day, he said “PR has won, please SPR do not change the result”. There has also been many other strange thing that we heard Nik Aziz said for example yusof alqadrawi support Anwar Ibrahim, and BN’s supporter prayer will not be accepted. Of course the latter sounds too suspicious not to mention it was the mainstream media who said that he said that.
Three days after the election Anwar Ibrahim call for a demonstration. He said that everyone should wear black shirt in response the blackout incident. Which is ironic because the blackout incident never happened. I have not seen anyone who say that there is a blackout incident. Even more ironic, people in facebook change their profile picture to just black in retaliation for that. And believe me, there is a lot of them.
Anyway, racial tension. Basically after the PRU, the media has been playing with this issue for a lot of time. Its as if they are trying to chase Chinese away even further. But actually they are trying to gain the Malay support from this. And It is working. Some even say that PAS and UMNO should combine so that Malay will be back strong again. I though it was BN who said that PAS has lost its Aqidah. If PAS really did lost their ideology, then it is practical that the combine with UMNO. That would make the two of them. In fact there has been many new post in facebook about hatred towards the Chinese. Some even say that we should kill them, up to that extreme. And again, I thought PR was extreme. Because of the demonstration, some even say that they should re implement ISA. It’s as if they did not see the main media situation. The Star was originally a pro DAP newspaper, but then Ops Lalang happen. Why The Star is now a pro BN newspaper? Because of ISA in the time of Mahathir. The government replace the leader of The Star and threaten the rest with ISA. With ISA, BN can corrupt without anyone questioning them. An interesting point of view is that, by many Chinese supporting DAP, this means that they are not afraid with PAS. Nullifying the BN campaign of a vote for DAP is a vote for PAS. By BN keep talking about racial issue, this also prove that BN is even more racist than PAS. So in someway, this backfire. What are these guys thinking? Their money?
Although many would agree that the main cause of PKR and PAS loss in this election is main media. I would say that it is their own fault. PAS namely has the Syiah issue. Or at least they respond it horribly. PKR and PAS has many conflicting seat. Anwar like to say stupid stuff and so do Nik Aziz. It does not matter whether it is the truth or not, the fact that they will say it in a way that will make people despise them is not really a good decision. But I would say that their biggest problem is their manifesto, which is just ridiculous. Even if they can do it, don’t say it in the manifesto, put a more realistic target. “We will lower the oil price the next day after we win”. That is just ridiculous. And then there is an issue where Anwar fail to swear that he did not do his crime. Why won’t you just swear? It does not matter ethical or not, if you did not swear it, people will think that you really did sodomize people. Another thing that can be criticized is that they focus too much on the urban area, which probably explain why they won the popular vote, and strengthen their position at Selangor while at the same time losing Kedah.
Status Update 2 May
Assalamualaikum everyone! How are you.
So, yea I’m board and thinking about status update. What to tell other than about the coming election… I did not update any of my project. The parser project is progressing well… bla… bla…
Allright, election. This year election is the most intense election Malaysia had ever been. That is because the Opposition is really strong this time, and in my point of view, I would be surprised of the government did not change this time. Of course, in this coming election there is a lot of political talks and news. Most of them pretty much is negative about the other party. Now, I’m going to assume that you guys are not from Malaysia, allthough most likely there arent any “you guys” accept for a few which I just knew one… a very scary stalker-like-different-gender one. So anyway, lets meet out contestant.
On the defensive side, we have Barisan National (BN). This is the current ruling party back from Malaysia’s independence. Allegedly corrupt, had been known by everyone who actually looked outside of the television to highly abuse their power on every mainstream media, except for a few like en.harakahdaily.my . The link to harakah daily may be unavailable as they may be under DDOS attack by ‘unknown’ forces. I have confirmed that the website is down yesterday, or yesterday’s yesterday. Anyway, basically if you watch news on television, I can assure you, most of it is their propaganda. They are the ruling party so basically they kinda ‘own’ the country. Even here in IIUM, there have been some report on vehicle with opposition flag is not allowed to enter but there are vehicle with BN’s flag parking in front of the rectory. Another thing in IIUM is, the pro Opposition club, ‘WUFI’ (tell me if I’m wrong) is officially unofficial, and banned. While there is a pro BN club, ‘Aspirasi’. I could say more, but that would just be unfair. BN has a lot of history in Malaysia. They are the party that ask for independence from British. And one of the prime minister is Mahathir Mohamad (yes, he is in the party and still is). There are three main organization in BN, UMNO (united malay national organization), MCA (Malaysian Chinese Agency (I’m not sure about the ‘A’ letter) ) and also MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress) . So yea, they are basically racial based. BN is lead by UMNO which is lead by Najib bin Tun Razak, the current prime minister and the son of the second prime minister.
On the opposition side, we have Pakatan Rakyat (PR). Pakatan Rakyat gain strong momentum when Anwar Ibrahim, a very controversial icon had been allowed to enter politics again. Anwar Ibrahim is the leader of PR. PR main media is social network and organizing talks. PR is composed of three main organization Democratic Alliance Party (DAP), Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and also Parti Islam Semalaya (PAS). Allthough their name does not show any racial bias, in practice DAP is a non-malay majority party and PKR and PAS are malay majority party. So yea, malay has been split into two. PAS is basically the main Islamic party and PKR is the less islamic Malay party. PR in short is very controversial. UMNO we already know to be corrupt and abuse their power. The question is, what about PR. Lets have a look one by one.
DAP is a chinese majority party. They are the one who is involved in the 1969 racial riot in Malaysia in which about 168 reported killed, foreign media say the number reach 2000. So you can say the current perception is that DAP does not like Malay, especially PAS. PAS aims to implement hudud (Islamic Sharia Law) in Malaysia, but DAP does not like that. Karpal Singh (DAP leader) even once said “over my dead body”, although he does have history of having an uncensored mouth on various event. Anyway, DAP is actually the biggest party in PR. The malay have majority by combining PKR and PAS. DAP stronghold has been in Pulau Pinang. BN had always attack DAP by saying that DAP only focus on the chinese majority part of urban Pulau Pinang and neglecting Seberang Perai, the rural part. As a side note, Kedah which basically surround Pulau Pinang is currently own by PAS. BN also attack DAP by saying then when people vote for DAP, they vote for PAS which who want to implement hudud, at the same time BN say that a vote for PAS is a vote for DAP who is a christian saint.
PAS is Parti Islam Semalaya, basically the Islamic party in Malaysia. They aim to provide complete Islamic Sharia Law in Malaysia. Their stronghold is in Kelantan. PAS is the first party to ever defeat BN at state level in peninsular Malaysia. Their spiritual (as in the actual) leader is Nik Aziz, while the party’s president (as in the official leader) is Hadi Awang. PAS is another controversional party. The party basically break into two when Nik Aziz say it is OK for the christian to use the term ‘Allah’ in Malay version of the bible after been urged by DAP. PKR also allow it which basically means PR allow that. Ironically, UMNO had always been against it since the beginning. PAS has a lot of negative sentiment. Some of PAS members are member of Shia ( which is officially deviated in Malaysia) and Al-Arqam (another deviated teaching). PAS member tend to be… extreme. Or is that PKR? I’m not sure exactly. Kelantan is ‘officially’ the poorest state in Malaysia, with the ‘highest’ rate of HIV. Of course, these are reported by mainstream media which is controlled by you-know-who.
PKR on the other hand is formed by Anwar Ibrahim’s wife. Have I told you before that Anwar Ibrahim is a very controversial character? Back when I was a child, I remember that he is a big criminal. Probably because I watch TV. So, lets put this in perspective, Anwar Ibrahim was a member of UMNO. Yes he was. He used to be the Deputy Prime Minister. Yes he was. He worked under Mahathir Mohamed and was said to be the step son of Mahathir Mohamed. Yes, up to that extends. Then 1998 Mahathir sack him from his post, and he was arrested under allegation of sodomy and corruption. Yep, he was there. Of course, he said that he was framed, because he did not agree with Mahathir to use public fund to save Mahathir’s children business. Anyway, his wife formed PKR to gain support, he was release after six year because the sodomize case was dropped. Be he have to wait for several year before he can legally go back to politics. Anyway, now that he is back, things are getting really intense.
So my point of view, BN is corrupt. Everyone who did not watch TV news knows that. I remember back at IIUM’s orientation week, some minister came to officially give 1 Malaysia Book Voucher to us, but in reality he is just talking about how great the government is. And then at the end of the orientation week, there is another briefing supposedly about a program where every Malaysian graduate should enter, in which the briefer again, basically talk about how nice the government is, but the big thing is, he showed a video linking PR’s party with the riot on Arab Spring. He actually show PR’s party logo, which clearly show that he is preaching for political agenda. I don’t really care if they want to praise the government, but don’t think of us like stupid student. There are various things that the government gave right before the election, for example the voucher for smart phone (which just pathetically show that they are desperate) and BR1M in which they basically give money to those who are living on below average salary. There are also many other stuff that is questionable, for example the MRT’s budget and also Scorpion submarine price.
On the other hand, PR’s manifesto is… unrealistic. They want to give free high education, with student allowance while at the same time eliminate tolls tax, eliminate vehicle tax and increase subsidy So how are they going to get the money to afford such stuff? Management? Better management without corruption? That is their only way of making things affordable. Which is not very assuring. I’m quite sure that when PR gain power, there will still be corruption from every party. The thing is, how much? And what are the parties action toward corruption. Then there again, there is the racial sentiment that had always been provoked by BN. Just look at their poster, I do not need to explain. Basically, there is PAS and there is DAP. About corruption, BN mostly say that DAP is corrupt, some abuse that property and that. PKR also abuse that and that, and also PAS has lost their ideologies by siding with DAP. Oh yeah, have I told you about DAP’s flag issue before? Its a great story, that can be viewed in may ways.
Basically two days before the naming day (very convenient right?), the Society Registrar said that they did not acknowledge DAP’s previous internal election, which elect their top leaders, because there have been many report of unsatisfactory in the election process. This is important because for a particular candidate to use the party’s flag, they need a signed letter from their top leader. If the Society Registrar did not acknowledge the internal election, basically the top leader’s is not authorized to give permission for the candidate to use the party’s flag, forcing DAP candidate to compete as independent candidate. So PKR and PAS said that they will be more than happy to sign the letter for DAP to use their flag. The amazing thing is the conclusion, if the issue cannot be resolved, DAP will use PAS flag in peninsular malaysia and PKR flag in sabah and sarawak. The thing is, why PAS flag? Not PKR? The less-islamic malay party? The PAS leaders, spiritual and official, basically said that they would be more than happy to sign the letters, there is no problem.
This basically nullify the perception that PAS hate DAP and vice versa. Or is it? I’m not sure myself. The thing that really surprise me is that PAS leader said that there would be no problem. Anyway, if we look it at PAS perspective, DAP voter will have to “cross” on PAS logo, which basically acknowledge PAS. In another sense, uninformed malay voter will vote for DAP although they thought that they are voting for PAS. In DAP point of view, this will raise their reputation significantly among Muslim. Or in other way around, Muslim will vote for them although they do not really like them. On the BN side, this is overall, a mess for them. Their biggest weapon is the separation between DAP and PAS, Christian and Muslim, Chinese and Malay. On another way, this also means that they can say that “If you vote for DAP you are voting for PAS, and allowing Shariah law in Malaysia”. Well, in a way they are choosing PAS logo. I would understand DAP’s decision for this. Chinese are not stupid and they need Malay support. And it seems that MCA is really weak compared to DAP. Chinese probably had already choose PR, probably due to racial separation in Malaysia in various way, notably in education. Anyway, the logo issue has been resolved. SPR(Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya-the election committee) said that there is no problem. Society Registrar will not affect the logo, so DAP will use their own logo. No conflict over here other than what just happened.
There are many other BN propaganda that shows how bad PR is. Some of those are so stupid that in a sense its as if trying to tell people to not vote BN. So, there is a sentiment that all those evil stuff that BN says are actually said by PR’s people. Which frankly is not really surprising. Given that PR supporter tend to be more extreme, because they only see the unjust that happen to them. There are may things in what PR’s people say that I do not agree. For example, they tend to say that for 50 years BN has been oppressing the people. I totally do not agree with this. BN is the party who ask for independence and every development so far is under them. Not to say that it cannot get better, but it really is better than neighboring country like Indonesia (Maybe) and Myanmar. So to say that they do everything wrong is not correct. Have I told you before that 40 year ago, Malay muslim girls go to school wearing skirt? Yes that is after independence where the system is still largely derived from British. Nowaday, girls wear baju kurang and Hijab. Also notice that 40 years ago, Malay own about 2.5%-6% of the economy. Due to various policy that BN made (the racial discrimination/separation policy) now malay have about 19% to 30% percent of the economy. Still low compared to Chinese, but much better than before. I do agree with PR’s policy that basically want to exterminate this racial separation and change it into wealth-teared approach, which basically means, the poor get more help instead of Malay get more help. If you think that PAS would say no to this, you would be wrong. Islam does not encourage racial sentiment. Its just that in Malaysia, generally Malay are Muslim. In fact, its not really far from the truth when I say that Chinese Muslim are idolized here. Basically every malay respect non-Malay muslim. Here non malay muslim is more common for Indian than for Chinese. That is why Indian muslim are not really respected as Chinese muslim. I myself have encounter many trouble differentiating between an Indian muslim and a Malay because they both look alike. So Indian muslim here are like… most Malay. That is not really surprising at all, as India hold the largest population of Muslim minority. Muslim in India are like Indian in Malaysia. So Indian tend to convert to Islam. By the way, Indian are officially a minority group here in Malaysia, although you can basically see them everywhere.
Anyway, BN did do something right. The problem of this… oppression probably started at the time of Mahathir Mohamed. Many people know him as a very prominent individual in the world probably because of the economic crisis where he play a crucial role. He is also among the most vocal person against Israel, and also had contributed quite a lot in Malaysia’s economy and also in Islamic world. In fact IIUM is suggested by him and funded by OIC. So basically the Malaysia’s most rapid economic growth was under his government. The Opposition said that Anwar Ibrahim was the Finance Minister at that time. Well, that is in some way true. On half of Mahathir’s rule (which is relatively long), Anwar Ibrahim was the finance minister. But the rapid growth start about 5 year before him, at Mahathir’s second term which at that time, Anwar was the education minister. In some way, Anwar did a good job as the economic performance during his time is consistently good. In fact, right the on the year Anwar was sacked, Malaysia’s GDP dropped for a while. Maybe Mahathir do something wrong or Anwar really did do some heavy corruption or simply because of global economic crisis. The thing is about Mahathir is, well , he is a tirant. Well, in some way he is. Not many people dare to fight him because at that time as there is ISA (Internal Security Act) which basically mean he could put anyone he deemed dangerous to jail without proper trial. ISA is no longer active now at the time of Najib. It has been replaced by two other act. Anyway, after Operasi Lalang in which basically there is a demonstration from the Chinese community regarding vernacular Chinese school, and in response, Mahathir used ISA to capture about 106 individual including both Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh who was and still very important DAP leader. If you think that only Chinese were arrested, you would be wrong. Even some UMNO member were arrested. PAS members too. Anwar Ibrahim (who is the education minister at that time) are among the demonstrator who is not arrested. So if you think that only Chinese were demonstrating, you would be wrong. Anyway, the operation also cause a prominent english newspaper, The Star to be closed for a few month. After that, the top leadership of The Star has been replaced by UMNO and you can see the result until now. From that on also, most of the mainstream media is under the government control. So the Chinese and anyone who oppose the government were silenced. So you can say that Mahathir is Malaysia’s Ghadafi. Both has their own strong supporter, but there are report that they both abuse their power to silence people and both say they they are against Israel in a very vocal way which in some way make us think that they only say that to gain support. In fact if I’m not mistaken, Mahathir was on Ghadafi’s side when Ghadafi was opposed.
Anyway, now that Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh is back, BN is in deep trouble. Even so, I would say that it is still possible that BN will win. They still have television. So basically most housewives are on BN side. Among the most used propaganda other than the one I said before is that Anwar Ibrahim’s sexual habit of sodomizing people. Notably Saiful Bukhari. Poor guy, true of false, people curse him and he is being used. After Anwar Ibrahim had been released out of the prison, he has another case of sodomy. This time with Saiful Bukhari. At the end, the court said that there is not enough evidence to say that Anwar Ibrahim is guilty. Anyway, several month after the court decision, he is back with his sumpah laknat. And now he show people a video that he swear in front of the kaabah. Of course, PR people will not believe that, but it does effect the public. The thing about Anwar ibrahim is, he has been accused of so many thing that people just don’t trust when the news said that he do this and that. This article demonstrate it quite nicely. There have been many sexual videos of Anwar Ibrahim coming out these day. And even recently a sex video of a PAS leader. My question is, why do they capture the video in the first place? My second question is, why is PKR member Saifuddin Nasution Ismail is the first person who said that the video exist by saying that he has been approached by an UMNO-BN agent who show him the video? So basically the opponent just come to your house and tell you what they will do soon? Very strange. I have to agree with some people who say that these videos benefit PR more than they benefit BN. In some way, it is likely that PR themselves make this video. Although the one who keeps on saying these stuff is the main media who is controlled by you-know-who.
So basically these are the situation in Malaysia. BN is corrupt, we all know that. The question is, is PR corrupt too? If so we are in deep trouble. The people basically has no choice but to choose PR. But if they do choose PR, what will happen? Their manifesto is somewhat unrealistic, they are fighting with each other, although I’m sure there is a lot more fighting in BN. And also the racial tension that is fueling BN right now. Lets face the fact, DAP will not win without the Malay support, PKR need PAS to be strong and need DAP to be win. PAS on the other hand will not likely to implement hudud anytime soon, given that DAP is there and PKR do not want to do so. The most worrying thing for me is PAS has some extreme candidate, notably of Syiah teaching. The son of Mahathir said that some PAS candidate in kedah is a Syiah. PAS said that what does it have to do with politics, which basically means that PAS do not denies it. I’m not so surprise to know this. PAS although they say that they are Islamic party, they do not really study or focus on Islam. They mostly have the nationalism spirit of Islam, or anything that say they are Muslim. So these people who has very high nationalism are more likely to join teaching such as Syiah and al-Arqam. The thing about Syiah is, they have 12 imam. Syiah think that Sunni are kafir because we have no 12 imam, while Sunni think that Syiah is syirik because they have 12 imam and focus on them too much. The clash between Sunni and Syiah will be very devastating and are much more dangerous that a clash with Christian. That is why, it is not wise for Syiah to be here in Malaysia, we will be like Iraq if Syiah spread here.
Anyway, before I end this, let me quote a quran verse,
You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah ; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.
Surah Al-Ma’idah verse 82.
For Muslim, don’t think of the Christian as your enemy, as they do not fight you. And remember that among the responsibility of a Muslim is to preach Islam to non believer. How can you say that the Christian hate the Muslim when at the same time, the Muslim that they see do not even pray five time a day?
For Non-Muslim, first of all, I would like to clear this up, there is no way for a Muslim to be guaranteed heaven when he kill someone. Not even if he kill the biggest tyrant in the world. The guaranteed heaven is when he get killed while fighting for a just cause or protecting his right. If anyway you encountered a quranic verse saying that Muslim should kill the unbeliever whenever we see them, I dare you to find and read the whole verse. Please don’t just judge people before you do your research. Not all Muslim practice Islam like not all Christian practice Christianity. And so I cannot say that everyone who claim they are Muslim to be a good guy. A good indicator is that a real Muslim must pray at least five time a day. That is basically the basic of a muslim.
Islamic Movement and Dakwah in Malaysia
Assalamualaikum everybody. How are you guys? Today, I’m going to write about Sabah. As we all know, three week ago about 200 hundred Philippine who are members of Sultan Sulu’s army has landed on lahad datu in claiming that Sabah is theirs. Following that, 6 local policemen has died, said to be ambushed by the intruder, while more than 10 from the Sultan’s army also died. Then, Malaysian government has decided to end this by attacking the village where the sultan’s army reside. No known number of casualty has been reported until now. In another news, about 10000 militant supporter has been said to attempt to enter Sabah to aide the Sultan Sulu’s Army who is right now being attacked by the Malaysian force.
If you are a supporter for sultan sulu, you will probably say that the one who are intruding is not the Sultan, but Malaysian. As the sultan indeed has a legal binding saying that the Sabah is theirs although the document is almost 200 hundred years ago. My question is, does it matter?
If you say that it does not matter, that there is no point of me explaining this to you. But if you insist on saying that Sabah is the Sultan’s and the one who is living in Sabah is foreigner, let me at least, try to consult you on this. First of all, by foreigner do you mean they do not originate from Sabah? Unlike the Chinese and Indian who obviously migrate here by the British, the Sabah people are still Sabah people. They are the indigenous people of Sabah. In fact, if you say that their ancestor are the people of Sultan Sulu, I won’t denies that. They probably are. But again, does it matter?
After World War 2, communist has been a threat in Southeast Asia, so the British has decided that to make it easier to eradicate them and also to make it easier to give independence to Sarawak and Sabah, if they would merge with Malaya. As you already know, Singapore exclude itself from Malaya, Brunei said they do not want to do so and the merging of the remaining Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah is now called Malaysia. This is roughly 50 years ago. Now of course at that time, Philippine said that Sabah is theirs because it was owned by Sultan Sulu, similar to the Sultan’s claim today. Indonesia also claim Sarawak as their. The situation become even more intense when Indonesia decided to enter Malaysia forcefully. So to resolve the dispute, UN send some commissioner to do a vote among the people of Sabah and Sarawak to see whether they want to merge with Malaya or with Indonesia or Philippine. A very large majority of the people voted that they agree to merge with Malaysia with the condition that they can control their border ( or something like that, I don’t exactly remember ).
So as you can see, Sabah and Sarawak choose to merge with Malaya and form Malaysia. The malayan people do not, just…. migrate to Sabah and repopulate quickly in order to gain dominance. I would guess that malayan simply… do not have the time or simply do not want to do so. I mean, what will they gain? Logs? What? The Chinese seems monopolized the economy there? Even in peninsular Malaysia the Malay do not gain control of the economy. The Chinese does. And if I’m not mistaken, the situation is much better in Sabah and Sarawak then in the peninsular. Is it the Chinese fault? They were here on the British age to operate shops. So its not something strange to see that they dominate the economic sector. And it is obviously not something that we will sacrifice peace in order to overcome. The Chinese and Indian are obviously not originated from the peninsular but still, they are here for more than 50 years. They are people too. What do you aspect us to do? Kill them like the Myanmar did at Rohinga? We are Muslim, we don’t do that.
What does the Sultan Sulu aspect to gain from this? Sabah? Even if they gain authority at Sabah, will the people cooperate? It is no longer the Sultan Sulu’s land. It is the land of Sabah people and they had already said that they want to stay. They do not migrate to sabah. They were born there and raised there. In Malaysia the land are not governed by the central government, It is governed by the State Government. In this case, the sabah people govern their own land. Sultan Sulu may say that the land is his, but what other claim can he give other that with the fact that his father or his grandfather owned the land but then lend it to the British. The people of Sabah has work their way to raise the state up to it current state. They have their own life. Do Sultan Sulu help? Just recently, a militant from the sultan sulu’s army was killed by 20 villager. If the villager support the sultan, why was the militant killed?
While I do agree that the Sultan’s Army should not enter Malaysia just like that, I also do not agree in the way Malaysian Force handle the manner. Just go bomb it? Now 10 000 more are coming. Are you going to bomb them to? People are still people. Regardless Philippine or Malaysian, we both do not want people to die. The current government will most probably not going to win an the election coming in a month of two because of this. The people need to think, where is their allegiance, at Sultan Sulu, Malaysian Goverment or God. If you are a member of the 10 000 people coming to Sabah, I beg you, do not use the name of Islam for your cause. You are not fighting for Islam, you are fighting for Sultan Sulu. And if you value Islam more than the Sultan, you will know in this case Islam loss the most. We loss people Muslim who were said to syahid, but in reality try to kill another Muslim who defend himself and his land regardless which side you are it does not matter, It happen because you came here. Because of this, the name of Islam had once again become associated with extremism, terrorism and irrational behavior. If the 10 000 people win, then the world will say they found another country build from tyranny associated with Islam, because obviously its a monarch and conquered forcefully. And if the 10 000 people died, the world will see again, the Muslim kill each other claiming “in the name of Islam”.
This whole thing will not solve a thing and will create more problem. Please open your mind. Sabah people has their own life. They were born there after sultan sulu’s reign, after the world war 2. If the sultan is indead a righteous and peace loving person, he would not came here with armed force in the first place. Regardless of his claim, It doesn’t matter anymore.
Assalamualaikum, and hello to everyone. Today marks a new version for the Automatic IIUM Schedule Formatter, now version 6.
Among new feature include:
- Support for main campus user. So now it work on both CFS’s CRS and also IIUM Main Campus’s Confirmation Slip. This involves:
- Modifying the code to accept main campus matric no.
- Modify the code to compensate for the use of minute in the schedule, previously unavailable in the CFS’s CRS.
- Modify the code to compensate for saturday and sunday class not to mention some class is at night, so the start time and end time of the schedule is automatically detected instead of the old 8 am to 5 pm fixed range.
- A new tab called “settings” that allow you to specify settings previously not possible in Styler. Among them are:
- Ability to select which day will be shown.
- Ability to turn on or off minute align tweak which fix the minute alignment of the schedule.
- And also, as previously available in Styler, the ability to show or hide the personal details and also course table.
- You can now make your own color palette in Styler.
- You can now make a report even if no error occur.
- And also, a new look.
If only things were so simple.
Assalamualaikum semua, apa khabar. Saya rasa post ini boleh dikategorikan sebagai my midnight rambling 3 sebab sekarang ni pukul 1.30 pagi. Dan kali ini, saya tak rasa nak gunakan twitter untuk karang post ini, kerana perkara yang lebih kompleks perlukan ayat dengan lebih 140 huruf.
Tajuk post kali ini adalah “andainya perkara-perkara ini sungguh ringkas”. Sesungguhnya saya mempunyai minda yang sangat pandai melihat perkara-perkara negatif. Jadi minda saya suka melihat benda disebalik batu, mengapa dan kenapa sesuatu perkara berlaku. Kali ini, saya ingain menyentuh sedikit tentang isu hubungan kita dengan mereka-mereka di luar sana, contohnya di Palestin.
Jarang sekali saya bercakap tentang perkara sebegini, kerana bagi saya, isu ini agak sensitif dan saya sendiri tak tau perkara sebenar. Sebab itu bagi saya, lebih baik senyap aje daripada cakap benda yang tak betul. Tapi kali ini, mungkin sedikit saya akan menjejakkan kaki ke perkara-perkara sebegini kerana dah termasuk dalam kepala, susah nak tido.
Sebelum kita menjenguk ke dunia luar, mari sebentar kita lihat rumah kita sendiri di Malaysia. Situasi dan politiks. Saya tak suka mereka yang hanya mendengar di sebelah pihak sahaja dan kemudian mengaku segalanya benar. Ada macam-macam perkara contohnya isu air. Kalau kita bukak berita kita dengar yang selangor akan hadapi krisi air, tak bagi bina loji, tak tunaikan air percuma. Tapi itu berita TV3 so, orang BN yang cakap. Apa pulak kata orang PR? “Lihatlah empangan ini! Penuh! Itu semua fitnah belaka!” (lebih kurang). Bila kita dengar cerita orang air pulak, masalah air di selangor ni kebanyakannya timbul di selatan selangor, disebabkan pembangunan yang terlebih pesat. Maka perlulah dibina loji baru dibawah. Kemudian orang BN cakap, orang PR tak bagi bina loji, orang PR cakap pulak, pembinaan loji itu penuh rasuah orang BN. Persoalannya, mana yang betul? If only things were so simple. Saya kurang faham kenapa isu ini tak boleh selesai. Masalah ini timbul sebab terlebih pembangunan, ada pembangunan, lihatlah secara positif.
Intipatinya, jika kita dengar cakap orang BN, orang PR bodoh. Jika kita dengar cakap orang PR, orang BN jahat. Jika kita dengat dua-dua pihak, mereka berdua ibarat budak-budak bergaduh sapa nak main laptop. Sedihnya lagi, taktik politik mereka melayan orang ramai ibarat orang bodoh. “Orang BN makan rasuah!” Semua orang BN makan rasuah? Habis, takde orang PR makan rasuah? Jadi, jika kita lihat balik, ia tak semudah itu. Memang jelas orang BN menakluk media, tapi jika kita lihat surat khabar-surat khabar di masjid selepas solat jumaat, apa bezanya orang PR? Bezanya orang PR ada surat khabar, or BN ada tv. Cara penggunaan? Tak banyak beza pun. Sedihnya lagi, berita-berita ini banyak menceritakan keburukan pihak lain, bukannya mencari jalan penyelesaian. Tambahan lagi berita ini banyak fokus kepada benda-benda kecil, yang digunakan untuk kempen seluruh Malaysia. “PR tak tunaikan janji. Mana air kami?”, jika kita kaji pulak mereka ini segelintir, contohnya apartment yang pakai meter pukal. Buktinya tengoklah meter sendiri, kan ada ditolak bil. Mari kita bergerak ke contoh yang lain pulak, RM 200 untuk beli telefon pintar. Macam mana saya nak cakap ni. THAT CHEAP? REALLY? WE ARE THAT CHEAP?. Kerajaan dah buat diri mereka nampak bodoh. Kemudian PR pulak cakap gaji minimum RM 1100. Cubalah realistik sikit. Kamu sedang menyusahkan peniaga kecil. Macam mana diorang nak jadi peniaga besar? Saya harap mereka (kedua-dua pihak) dan orang ramai cuba fikir panjang-panjang dan dengar cakap saya, “things are not that simple”. Secara peribadinya, saya rasa mereka-mereka yang ada phd berpindah ke luar negara kerana mereka tak tahan dengan politik murahan seperti ini. Bayangkan, orang-orang politik ini, yang menyebarkan berita-berita seperti ini, akan mentadbir negara.
Moral of the story, kita kena lihat sesuatu berita itu dari semua pihak. Kalau kita dengar dari satu pihak aje memang dah sah bias. Untuk kita menyetahui perkara yang sebenar, kita perlu melihat dari semua sumber, termasuklah dari pihak lawan sekalipun. Dan walaupun dengan itu, belum pasti, memang benar perkara tersebut. Mari kita lihat isu di luar negara, Palestin, Syria, Iran dan kita sendiri.
Perkara ini memang diketahui ramai. Palestin ditindas. Itu benda yang kita tau. Kemudian, pemberontakan di Syria. Bantuan Iran ke Palestin, dan bantuan Iran ke Syria. Kita di sini tak boleh buat apa-apa. Persoalannya, yang mana satu benar dan perkara yang wajar? Pemberontakan di Syria, adakah ia benar? Benar memang berlaku. Adakah ia wajar? Berdasarkan media dunia, Ya. Berdasarkan media Syria, Tak. Berdasarkan pelajar asing berbangsa Syria di Malaysia yang menyebarkan ceramah, Ya. Mereka kata benar, mereka ditindas di Syria sejak dulu lagi. Benda yang menjadi komplikasi adalah, Iran dikatakan membantu kerajaan Syria memerangi pemberontak. Perkara ini adalah kerana Syria dan Iran dan juga Hisbullah adalah sekutu dalam memerangi Israel. Kalau Syria jatuh, susah Iran nak seludup macam-macam. Persoalannya, adakah elok palestin dibantu oleh mereka yang membenarkan penindasan orang Syria ini. Sedangkan orang lain yang kita anggap “lebih baik” seperti turki dan mesir tidak memberikan bantuan yang jelas kepada Palestin?
Jika kita teliti lagi ianya adalah perkelahian antara golongan Sunni dan Shiah. Yang mana Iran, Syria dan Hisbullah adalah Shiah, dan kebanyakan mereka yang lain adalah Sunni. Yang mana satu adalah betul? Ceramah-ceramah di Malaysia banyak mengatakan tentang bahaya Syiah, bagaimana mereka menganggap orang Sunni ini lebih hina daripada anjing. Tetapi itu cerita orang Sunni. Memanglah tidak positif terhadap orang Syiah. Jika kita lihat pulah dari sumber Shiah, ada beberapa perkara yang penceramah itu cakap tidak benar terhadap orang Syiah. Contohnya, mereka boleh menggabungkan solat. Jika kita lihat sumber Syiah, (yang malangnya susah untuk dijumpai) orang syiah tidak menggabung solat, cuma ada waktu solat yang “overlap” dengan waktu solat lain. Jadi pada waktu tersebut, mereka solat kedua-dua solat. Ada juga perkara lain yang tidak benar diperkatakan seperti orang shiah sembah batu. Itu juga tidak benar, mereka kata, apabila mereka solat, mereka mahu sujud di bumi Allah. Maka, mereka sujud atas batu tersebut. Persoalannya, mengapa pula batu tempat Ali dipenggal lebih baik daripada batu yang lain? Dan kalau tak silap saya, itu memang benar bagi mereka, lebih baik buat begitu. Malangnya hanya itu hukum mereka yang saya dapat sahkan. Tentang mazhab fatimah serta perkara lain, saya tak pasti.
Ada juga pekelahian saya di internet dengan orang Syiah. Perkara ini berlaku di laman web tentang fakta menarik, di sini . Kamu masih lagi boleh lihat comment saya, yang mana aturannya sudah diterbalikan. Comment pertama saya yang berada di tempat terakhir. Jika kamu lihat, tajuknya adalah TEMPORARY MARRIAGE IN IRAN, tetapi secara asalnya (kalau tak silap saya) berbunyi “legal prostitution in Islam”. Yang mana menyebabkan saya untuk comment bahawa ini hanya diperaktikkan oleh orang shia dan diharamkan orang orang sunni (yakni kebanyakan orang islam). Kemungkinan besar disebabkan comment saya, tajuk article itu ditukar. Saya secara peribadi tak tahu menahu apa-apa tentang hadis. Sebab itu saya hanya comment dua kali sahaja. Dan selepas itu ada sahaja comment dari kedua-dua pihak, shiah mahupun sunni. Yang mana shiah mengatakan bahawa perkara ini memang benar dan dilakukan di zaman Rasulullah SAW dahulu. Kemudian orang sunni pula mengatakan bahawa Rasulullah telah mengharamkan perkara tersebut selepas ia dibenarkan buat sementara waktu. Bacalah comment-comment ini kalau mahu, saya tak bertanggungjawab.
Persoalannya, yang mana satu betul. Saya bukan pakar hadith yang bertauliah dalam perkara ini, namun, jika kita tanya pakar hadith dari shiah, dia akan kata sunni salah, tetapi apabila kita tanya pakar hadith dari sunni, dia akan kata shiah sesat. Yang mana satu benar? Saya tak tahu. Orang shiah kata, orang sunni bencikan mereka dan mendiskriminasi dan menfitnah shiah sebagai ajaran sesat, manakala orang sunni kata orang shiah menyeksa orang sunni dan membuat undang-undang sendiri tanpa mengikut Quran dan sunnah. Sedihnya dua-dua itu benar, orang sunni memang mendiskriminasi orang shiah dan menfitnah dalam pelbagai perkara yang mereka lakukan dan orang shiah juga banyak menambah pelbagai hukum seperti menggunakan batu untuk sujud seperti yang mereka lakukan. Sebagai reference, Rasulullah SAW sujud atas lantai, yang mana batu atau tanah, bukan seketul batu yang dibawa kemana-mana. Mungkin ada juga dikalangan anda mengatakan tentang sambutan orang Syiah pada Hari Ashura/Karbalak, mengatakan bahawa mereka mencederakan diri sehingga berdarah. Di http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_Ashura ada mengatakan bahawa tindakan itu sudah diharamkan oleh kerajaan Iran. Namun begitu, secara peribadi saya rasa agak aneh bagi mereka untuk mengambut hari tersebut dengan kesedihan sedangkan Rasulullah SAW menyambut hari Asyura dengan berpuasa atas tanda kesyukuran.
Susah untuk kita memutuskan tanggapan terhadap mereka. Mungkin pautan ini boleh membantu. Pautan ini mengandungi link terhadap ucapan Ahmed Deedat, sorang pendakwah yang agak popular berajaran sunni apabila beliau melawat Iran pada tahun 1982. Secara ringkasnya ucapan beliau banyak mengatakan perkara yang positif terhadap orang Iran yang mana berdasarkan ucapan tersebut, bersedia pada bila-bila masa sahaja untuk mempertahankan Islam. Hal itu kita dapat lihat di isu Palestin hari ini apabila Iran secara terang-terangan membantu Palestin dari segi persenjataan, tidak seperti negara-negara sunni lain. Namun begitu, kita lihat pula di Syria, yang mana wujudnya diktator yang dikatakan berpandangan Syiah, dan sekarang ini sedang melawan pemberontakan bersenjata akibat pemerasan ini. Mungkin ada dikalangan kamu yang mengatakan bahawa perkara ini fitnah semata-mata dan merupakan satu propaganda barat untuk menguatkan lagi Israel. Sedihnya saya dapat mengatakan bahawa ada lebih dari satu sumber yang meyakinkan, mengatakan bahawa rakyat Syria memang ditindas sejak dulu lagi. Jadi kita boleh kata yang pemberontakan ini memang satu pemberontakan yang sah. Dan mungkin kamu pula akan menjawab “kamu tak ada di situ, bagaimana kamu boleh mengatakan yang ia benar?”. Benar, saya tidak berada di situ, dan saya tak boleh buktikan bahawa penceramah-penceramah yang bercerita tentang isu Syria ini tidak menipu, namun begitu saya boleh mengatakan bahawa memang ada berita bahawa berpuluh ribu rakyat Syria terbunuh. Jika benar Assad bukan penindas, dia patut sudah letak jawatan.
Berbalik kembali kepada isu Iran dan Shiah ini. Orang Iran ini baik atau tidak? Mereka membantu Palestin, benar. Tetapi mereka juga mengadar dadah, benar juga. Jika kita teliti media massa kita, memang benar banyak menyeludupan dadah datang dari Iran. Dahulu Iran mengiakan pengedaran dadah atas alasan “bukan orang Islam yang menggunakannya”. Sedihnya kebanyakan yang menghisap dadah di Malaysia ini orang Melayu. Jadi kalau tak silap saya, lebih kurang pada tahun 2003 kerajaan Iran telah mengharamkan mengedaran dadah. Mungkin mereka akhirnya sudah berfikir secara rasional. Namun pada hari ini, masih banyak kes pengedaran dadah dari Iran. Jadi secara ringkasnya, mereka yang memberikan persenjataan kepada Palestin ini juga pernah menghalalkan mengedaran dadah serta menyokong penindasan orang Syria. Yang mana menyebabkan kita berfikir, “halal” tak roket itu. Ada teori yang menyatakan bahawa Israel membunuh komander perang Hamas terlebih dahulu kerana beliau adalah orang yang mengelakkan tentera Palestin daripada me-“roket” Israel sesuka hati. Bunuh komander ni, tentera Palestin me-roket, Israel boleh kata “kami diserang dan terpaksa mempertahankan diri”. Benar atau tidak, saya tak tahu. Tetapi ia buat kita berfikir, patutkah roket itu dilepaskan? Saya tak kata tentang selepas Israel isytihar perang. Waktu itu, kalau tak tembak roket, bunuh diri namanya. Saya bercakap tentang waktu sebelum perang tersebut atau selepas perang. Kalau kita tak serang, palestin tak akan dapat tanah mereka kembali, tetapi kalau kita serang, Israel boleh menggunakan alasan “mempertahankan diri”, untuk menakluk lebih banyak jajahan.
Berfikir tentang jajahan, saya terfikir, mengapa mereka mahu buat rumah walaupun mereka tahu yang pada bila-bila masa, orang Palestin boleh serang. Israel bukan tempat yang sesuai untuk melabor. Anehnya lagi, banyak syarikat-syarikat besar merupakan penyokong kuat Israel. Dan dua yang saya katakan di sini adalah Intel dan Microsoft. Lihat link ini dan ia menyatakan bahawa Microsoft melancarkan sejenis system di Israel R&D Center. Tak ini bukan system senjata. Ianya adalah sejenis startup accelerator, satu benda yang membantu dalam system server. Soalnya kenapa mesti Israel tempat pertama? Kenapa tak di US. Dan kenapa ada R&D center di Israel? Tak takut kena roket ke? Nak buat system server sebelah Palestin yang mana, Internet itu sesuatu yang sangat jarang dijumpai. Perkara yang sama boleh dikatakan tentang Intel. Lihat link ini yang menyenaraikan senarai kilang processor Intel. Lihat senarai kilang tersebut, ada satu yang terletak di Israel. Kita lihat pula process node yang ia keluarkan bersaiz 22nm. Dalam erti kata lain sebarang laptop yang kamu beli yang ada cip Intel yang baru, dari (lebih kurang 5 bulan lepas) sehinggalah lebih kurang 2 tahun lagi asal cip pemprosesannya sama ada datang dari Oregon USA atau Kiryat Gat, Israel. Hampir kesemua processor-processor baru dari Intel menggunakan process node 22nm. Dan Intel mempunyai monopoli terhadap pasaran processor laptop dan desktop sebanyak hampir 90%. Dalam erti kata lain, jika kapasiti kilang di Israel ini sama seperti kilang di USA, lebih kurang 45% komputer baru di kedai-kedai di Malaysia mempunyai processor yang datangnya dari Israel. Dan kita sebenarnya tak banyak pilihan. Dari segi kelajuan memproses, processor Intel memang mempunyai kelebihan yang agak besar berbanding pesaingnya terdekatnya yakni AMD. Dan sedih saya katakan bahawa AMD mungkin tidak akan bertahan lama.
Benda-benda seperti inilah yang menyebabkan Israel kuat. Kamu bom Kiryat Gat, Israel, harga processor seluruh dunia naik. Kita sibuk berkata tantang Arab jual minyak kat US, US bagi kapal terbang kat Israel, sedangkan kita sendiri tak terfikir yang kita jugak bagi duit kat diorang, kat US. Banyak dikalangan kamu sibuk berkata tentang boikot McDonald. Saya di sini menjemput anda untuk melihat penguasaan US dalam perkara yang lebih besar, contohnya penggunaan matawang Dollar, system DNS, VISA(agaknye), UN, pembekal processor, pembekal system operasi. Kalau McDonald hilang, tak ada masalah. Kalau Microsoft hilang… well it could be a good thing but there will a catastrophe at first.
Bagi saya, kalaupun PAS menang Malaysia sepenuhnya, kita masih tak boleh serang Israel. Kita masih tak boleh bantu Syria sesuka hati. Kapal terbang habis minyak tengah jalan. Tak boleh mendarat pasal kena sekatan UN. Sebelum kita pergi serang, kita mesti kuasai balik perkara-perkara seperti ini. Kita mesti betulkan orang yang ambil hanya sebahagian daripada Islam dan lupakan bahagian yang lain. Mari saya bagi contoh Taliban. Di http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban, ada menceritakan tentang polis taliban merotan seorang gadis 100 kali atas tuduhan zina kerana berjalan dengan bukan mahramnya. Soalnya, tidak ada 4 saksi yang nampak dia berzina. Dan hukuman menfitnah orang berzina tanpa 4 saksi adalah 60 sebatan. Tidak cukup syarat untuk merotan gadis, tapi cukup syarat untuk merotan penfitnah, tetapi siapa yang dirotan? Ini salah. Ini sangat salah. Ambik satu hukum dengan tak betul, kemudian lupakan hukum yang lain? Orang-orang sebeginilah yang memalukan orang Islam. Lupakan tentang syiah, yang ini kesilapan yang jelas.
If only things were so simple, we would just go to Palestin, and die trying to free them. But things are complicated. If people say that if Turkey declare war to Israel we will win, it is just not that simple. If people say that studying will not simply free Palestin. They are right, but it will if we try hard enough, we will eventually show Islam as a whole, show which is right which is wrong, and simply make way for others to just simply free Palestin. Assalamualaikum. Good bye.
Testing auto post.